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How to Find an Affordable "Speech Therapist Near Me!"

A lot of people contact me to discover the best ways to find a speech therapist located in their area. There are several ways to find a friendly and affordable speech therapist! Before you do anything else, try the suggestions below...

1. EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES (Will vary from state to state):

Children ages birth to 3 years old may be eligible for FREE federal funded therapy if they qualify. Please keep in mind that qualifications vary from state to state so make sure you google the early intervention program located in your state to speak with a case manager who will guide you through the process (evaluations to therapy if needed).


Many health insurance companies will cover speech and language therapy depending on a variety of factors. To avoid costly private therapy, check with your insurance company first to see what qualifies a patient to receive therapy. BONUS: Many insurance companies have providers that will do at-home therapy!


Maybe your insurance company doesn't have any providers that can do at-home therapy. Fear not! Several large hospitals have clinics where speech and language therapists can conduct therapy. The best part is that many of these facilities take insurance. Speech therapists are in high-demand, so don't worry if you have to put your child on a wait-list!


Many colleges and universities that have graduate programs for speech pathologists also have their own clinics. This allows speech pathologists to earn credits and gain their certification by providing therapy through their clinics. It's a win-win because parents or caregivers are highly discounted rate if you use their services! (This is a great way to have formal speech and language evaluations completed a well).


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